Transmission Multiple daemon instances

Amefs, EFS, Linux, seedbox
Transmission is a lightweight and stable BT client, it can keep thousands of torrents without crash, so I use it to keep seeding. About Multiple-User in Transmission Transmission has a daemon called “transmission-daemon”, it can support Multiple instances with Multiple-User. But in a Debian like system, the apt package will config with a unique user “debian-transmission”. It use the config file /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json, this file also a symlink of /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json. Usually, transmission will start a transmission service with debian-transmission group. But we will…
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QuickBox CE vs Pro: Which Is Better?

Amefs, EFS, Linux, seedbox
This year the released the QuickBox Pro. The price is 35$/year, what differences between Community edition and Professional edition? Is it worth 35$ to get the Pro version? What difference? There is already a official comperation in The eey differences between Pro and CE are like following: The design of dashboard, and some widgets. e.g. traffic monitor, application manager; Web service. In Community use  Apache + php7.0, in Pro use nginx + php7.2; Authorization service: CE use htpasswd with…
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Set resolution on headless server

Amefs, EFS, Linux, seedbox
Sometimes we use the headless server with a vnc desktop, the desktop will usually keep the lowest resolution (800*600). Even worse, its resolution cannot be modified directly. So we need a dummy drive to solve it. the Following was tested in Debian 9: first install video card drive: apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy Then paste following in “xorg.conf”. This config file is usually not exist in modern OS. These OS can detect most of the monitor and auto setup. But we can…
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Deployment in SYS ARM-2T

Amefs, EFS, Linux
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I have wrote some blogs about service deployment in arm based development board. This time I find a ARM server provided by So you Start. These servers are using ARM A9 process, which have the same model as WD MyCloud (Gen2). The performance of this process is not very strong. The HDD is brand new 2.5′ HGST 2TB 7200RPM. This time I used Debian 9 as OS. I will install qBittorrent and Nextcloud in this platform. The problem is the kernel…
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QuickBox efs mod v1.1.1

Amefs, EFS, IT, Linux, seedbox
Some digression I released a modify version of QuickBox last year, and the official source code has changed a lot, so I decide to merge these code and add some feature at the same time. this is my project Merge newest source code today’s official source code has boom to version 2.5.4, I have already update these code. The Official source code is now support transmission, but still works not so good, so I try to fix it; rtorrent haven’t enable…
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Providing SoftEther VPN + DaloRADIUS service in BPI-M1

Amefs, Bananapi, EFS, IT, Linux
Platform: bananapi M1 Development Board(Dual core ARM Crotex-A7) Operating System: Raspbian (2016-07-13-raspbian-jessie-bpi-m1-m1p-r1.img) Aim: Provide SoftEther VPN service to protect data transfer security in Public WLAN; Provide DaloRADIUS service to enhance the security of WLAN authentication. Part0 : Preparing Prepare the OS First download the OS image, then burning image to SD card, and start the OS. We can use raspi-config to Expand File System. Prepare proxychains-ng to accelerate Software Downloading Proxychains-ng is a UNIX program, that hooks network-related libc functions…
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